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Contact Our Edgewood Office 859-757-4234



Quality Family Representation “Because It Matters” Our attorneys at Dietz Family Law work with you to craft a strategy that makes sense for your situation. Learn more Stephanie Dietz, Esq. Rely On An Attorney Who Truly Cares Divorce and family law issues are as unique as the people who experience them. At the Kentucky law […]

Start preparing now if you want a divorce in the new year

Unofficially, January is known as the divorce month. More people file divorce petitions in January than at any other time. Some are waiting for the holidays to pass, while others want to start a new life in a new year. Those planning to divorce in 2023 can face many financial pitfalls and complications while waiting […]

Can your ex hurt your reputation and career during your divorce?

For many families, divorce is a messy, painful experience. Especially if one of the parents works in a high-profile career or has aspirations as a professional athlete, what happens in divorce court could affect their future success. Simply getting a divorce has become common enough that the end of your marriage itself likely won’t do […]

Collaboration with your ex protects your privacy during divorce

Trying to work with your ex instead of battling against them during divorce benefits you in many ways. It can mean lower final costs for your divorce and more control over custody terms and property division than you would have if a judge made all of the major decisions for your family. Another benefit of […]

At what age can a child choose where to live after divorce?

You and your ex-spouse talked about custody issues related to your divorce, and you thought you had everything settled. Then, you both sat down with your teen to talk to them about the decisions that had been made. But you never discussed at what age a child can choose where to live.  That’s when you […]

Common mistakes to avoid in a divorce

It is hard to imagine someone getting married with the intention of getting divorced later on. Because of this, when a couple gets married and later finds themselves facing a divorce, it is unlikely that either of them knows what to do to protect themselves through the divorce. When nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, […]

Is collaborative divorce right for you?

Divorcing spouses can be angry and distrust each other. However, that still may not change the fact that they want to end the marriage as peacefully and efficiently as possible. Under these circumstances, a collaborative divorce can be the best option. There are numerous benefits to the collaborative approach, including retaining more control over the […]

Getting a divorce? What happens to the dog?

In the United States, roughly 85 million families own a pet. Almost all of these families would agree that their furry friends, whether they be a dog or a cat, are very important companions in their lives. They love them like family. However, what happens to these beloved pets if the spouses who own them […]

When children request custody changes

Divorced parents living in Kentucky are often concerned about the well-being of their children. In many situations, one parent has primary physical custody while the other receives more limited visitation, also known as parenting time. In many cases, both parents are satisfied with their current arrangement. However, there are times when children, particularly preteen or […]

Voluntary impoverishment and child support

Most parents who owe child support make payments on time and in full, but there are a few bad actors who purposefully under-report their earnings or earn less than their full potential just to avoid payments. This is commonly known as involuntary impoverishment, and it can leave primary caregivers in Kentucky in financial trouble. This […]