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Contact Our Edgewood Office 859-757-4234


Co-parenting is not always a wise choice

Researchers have found that children who spend time with both parents following a divorce tend to fare better, and family law judges in Kentucky and around the country now order joint custody far more often as a result. However, making a co-parenting plan work is not always possible, and there are situations where such arrangements […]

Preparing for the end of a marriage

Most people exchanging vows in Kentucky aren’t thinking about how they would plan for a divorce if their marriage should end. However, each year, roughly 2 million Americans untie the knot. This is why it’s generally advised that couples considering a split do so with a plan a mind. The first thing that spouses may […]

Survey finds common factors in divorce

Kentucky couples might benefit from premarital counseling, but even people who have been through this kind of counseling may still end up divorcing. In a survey of people who had participated in a program called PREP 14 years earlier, which focused on improving couples’ communication and conflict resolution skills, some reported that the counseling still […]

Collaborative divorce may make your marital breakup easier

The feeling of filing for divorce is no doubt bittersweet. On the one hand, you cannot wait to get on with your own life. On the other hand, you might loathe the idea of going to war with your future ex-spouse over the family house or alimony. Fortunately, not every divorce proceeding in Kentucky has […]

Lawyers say more millennials want prenups

Millennials in Kentucky who are getting married may want to get a prenuptial agreement. The number of prenups has significantly increased over the past 20 years, but according to a survey by the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers, there has been a more recent increase in prenups among millennials. There are several reasons this generation […]

Couples determine how long their divorce takes

When a Kentucky resident chooses to get a divorce, he or she generally wants the process to be quick. How long it takes to finish a divorce depends on the steps taken to negotiate a settlement. Those who choose to come to a settlement on their own will generally spend less time negotiating compared to […]

How couples might protect their money in a divorce

Couples in Kentucky who are getting a divorce may need to start separating their finances. For example, they might want to close any joint accounts and move their money to personal accounts. However, neither person should take everything out of a joint account, and each should inform the other about any assets they are taking […]

Would you consider ‘bird-nesting’ as a custody option?

When those with significant wealth decide to divorce, a primary concern may be the division of assets, which could be costly. More than likely, however, each party will leave the marriage with financial security. If you fall into this category and have children, that wealth may allow you to consider a relatively new and somewhat […]