Is your divorce headed to litigation?
Sometimes, people can be unreasonable. If they’re hurt or feeling bad about a situation, it’s much more likely that they’ll do things that you disagree with to try to get back at you or make you suffer the way they are. That’s why some spouses argue against any reasonable solution to a divorce and push […]
Do you want to terminate the collaborative process?
Collaborative divorces offer a good alternative to dealing with the stress and expense of a litigated divorce. Collaborative divorces allow both individuals to settle disputes out of court with each party compromising and working together. Is it possible for this collaborative process to end once it has begun? Individuals going through a divorce may choose […]
Will your spouse’s deferred compensation impact your divorce?
Divorce is often more complex for high-asset families. The more money and property that you and your spouse accumulated during your marriage, the more complicated it will be for the two of you split up all of that property. Not only is there more for a couple to fight over, but the assets themselves often […]
When does your spouse’s spending have an impact on your divorce?
When you get married, you combine your finances and household with your spouse. When you do, you accept some risk for your spouse’s behavior. Most people enter into marriage in good faith and assume that their spouse will make decisions that benefit the entire family. Unfortunately, some people misuse marital income or shared assets, especially […]
Strategies for coping with a hostile former spouse
Explosive marriages often lead to explosive divorces that, sometimes, lead to a high-conflict relationship for the rest of your life. When kids figure into this family equation, matters can become more tension-filled, too. How do you deal with a former spouse who, at nearly every turn, attempts to squish you, stamp you out and disregard […]
Privacy matters when high-profile athletes divorce
Both professional athletes and college athletes aspiring to join professional leagues have to protect their reputations and personal brands. If these athletes divorce, personal mistakes and criminal activity could affect someone’s ability to renew their contract or get recruited to the best teams. Mistakes in your private life could limit both your employment options and […]
Collaboration with your ex protects your privacy during divorce
Trying to work with your ex instead of battling against them during divorce benefits you in many ways. It can mean lower final costs for your divorce and more control over custody terms and property division than you would have if a judge made all of the major decisions for your family. Another benefit of […]
At what age can a child choose where to live after divorce?
You and your ex-spouse talked about custody issues related to your divorce, and you thought you had everything settled. Then, you both sat down with your teen to talk to them about the decisions that had been made. But you never discussed at what age a child can choose where to live. That’s when you […]
Which factors could cause Kentucky parents to lose child custody and parenting time?
Many parents make the mistake of assuming that they can do as they please when raising their kids without it potentially jeopardizing their visitation or parenting time. That’s not the case if parents share joint custody of their child here in Kentucky, though. Moms and dads with joint custody must share in decision-making. Also, even […]
How can you make divorce better for you and your children?
If you have children, you need to think carefully about their future when you divorce. Ending a marriage can be beneficial to your kids if it puts an end to the conflict between you and the other parent. Yet, only if you correctly handle things. Unless you have a valid reason not to, it is […]