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Contact Our Edgewood Office 859-757-4234


How to negotiate rules for travel with the kids after divorce

Your job takes you to some pretty far-flung places, both within and outside of the country. Taking the kids with you was never a problem when you were married. In fact, your spouse used to come along.  What about now, when you’re getting divorced? Well, things get a little trickier. You need to address the […]

3 groups of people collaborative divorce can benefit

Once upon a time, most people resolved their divorces by litigating. These days more and more couples realize collaborative divorce is a better option. Unlike litigation, collaborative law is about reaching an agreement, not trying to beat the other person. It allows both parties to emerge victorious, thus reducing the chance that the one who […]

3 tips for self-care when going through a divorce

Obtaining a divorce is a major decision that can significantly alter certain aspects of your life. It is only natural to feel sadness at the end of a relationship and anxiety over the future. However, you can take a more positive view of divorce. Life after a divorce may be an opportunity to consider new […]

How a prenuptial agreement affects a collaborative divorce

Keeping a divorce simple may have always been one of your priorities if you had the foresight to sign a prenuptial agreement before getting married. While you probably hoped that your marriage would last forever, you wanted to make sure there wouldn’t be too much conflict if things didn’t go as planned. Now that you […]

Can a stay-at-home spouse claim part of the retirement account?

Stay-at-home spouses sacrifice their own earning potential for the betterment of their families. Rather than developing a career, they perform uncompensated tasks around the house that would cost a lot of money if the family hired a professional. Having a stay-at-home spouse makes it easier for an ambitious professional to completely devote themselves to their […]

Is keeping the marital home the best financial decision?

Some divorcing couples basically go to war over their marital home. Both of them draw a line in the sand and demand that they should get to keep the house. They will likely spend a significant portion of their time in court arguing about the home, forcing a judge to ultimately decide who gets to […]

Kentucky divorce goes awry: Here’s what happened

A Kentucky judge threw both a divorcing couple and their attorneys a major curveball early last month when she declined to grant their petition for a dissolution of their marriage. Years ago, it wasn’t that unusual for couples to find ending their marriage a challenge. Today, however, “no-fault” divorces have become the rule — not […]

Will the Kentucky courts uphold your prenuptial agreement?

If your marriage hasn’t been great lately, you may start thinking about divorce, which could involve litigation or a settlement followed by court. More couples than ever now draft prenuptial agreements to make the divorce process easier. Provided that the document is valid and enforceable, a prenuptial agreement can mean a faster and cheaper uncontested […]

What is supervised visitation?

When a couple has divorced, the courts will seek to offer rulings that reflect the best interests of the child. This can be challenging at the best of times, but when one parent is undergoing difficulties such as mental health issues or addiction, the process may be trickier.  In cases like this, the Kentucky courts […]

3 custody issues you can solve with collaboration

Any married couple considering divorce could benefit from collaborative divorce. A collaborative divorce can be cheaper and faster than a litigated divorce. It also puts the couple in the driver’s seat, rather than handing all of the authority over to a judge. If you and your spouse share children, collaborative divorce can be particularly beneficial. […]