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"Because It Matters"

Parenting plan considerations for interfaith families

Every person in the U.S. has the right to follow the faith of their choice. However, when parents practice different religions, creating an interfaith family, it can lead to disputes about what faith their children should practice.

When interfaith couples get a divorce, they must still parent their kids cooperatively. This can create even more issues related to the religious upbringing of their kids.

Interfaith topics to consider when discussing parenting plans

You both want the best for your kids, but your different religions may remain a sore subject when creating a well-functioning parenting plan. Both spouses may want the children to follow their faith.

When differing faiths interfere with successful co-parenting, consider discussing these issues calmly and respectfully. Topics to consider include:



  • Do religious values matter more to one parent than the other?
  • Do one or both religions have faith-based restrictions?
  • What religious traditions and holidays do parents want to share with the children?
  • How would observing these events affect the custody schedule?
  • What can they do to give the kids healthy experiences with both faiths?

If your children are mature enough, you may also consider including them in these discussions. As they grow older, they will form their own opinions about religion.

Interfaith Families in Kentucky

In Kentucky, one parent may not interfere with the other’s parenting rights even when they disagree on religious issues. To help ensure that you do not violate the rights of your co-parent, it’s wise to learn more about state child custody regulations. By doing so, you will may also gain insight into how to develop a court-approved parenting plan that meets everyone’s needs.

Kentucky Divorce Law Attorneys Who Truly Care

Serving the residents of Kenton County, Campbell County and Boone County, the law office of Dietz Family Law is ready to help you with your divorce or family law issues.  At Dietz Family Law we take the time to understand your unique issues and will craft the strategy that is right for you.  Whether you live in Covington, Florence, Independence, or Alexandria, our Edgewood Law Office is conveniently located and ready to serve.