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Contact Our Edgewood Office 859-757-4234


Quality Family Law Representation

"Because It Matters"

Can your ex hurt your reputation and career during your divorce?

For many families, divorce is a messy, painful experience. Especially if one of the parents works in a high-profile career or has aspirations as a professional athlete, what happens in divorce court could affect their future success and reputation.

Simply getting a divorce has become common enough that the end of your marriage itself likely won’t do major harm to your future career. However, some of the details that people want to share during divorce proceedings can have negative consequences for the family.

Do you need to worry about your ex airing your family’s dirty laundry in family court and doing real damage to your personal brand or reputation during divorce?

Kentucky is a no-fault divorce state

Your ex may feel quite strongly that something you did or didn’t do during the marriage should affect how the judge divides your property, splits up parenting rights or awards spousal maintenance. However, your spouse’s expectations do not align with Kentucky family law.

No-fault divorces are the standard in Kentucky, which means that marital misconduct does not influence property division or other major concerns. The law explicitly says that judges should not consider marital misconduct. Unless your ex has financial evidence that you dissipated marital wealth by misbehavior, like gambling or conducting an affair, their allegations of bad behavior will have little bearing on a judge’s decisions.

You can protect your reputation during divorce proactively

While the law is clear about what the courts can and should consider in contested divorce proceedings, there is never any guarantee about how your ex will behave in or out of court. You can take proactive steps to protect your reputation by reaching an uncontested divorce settlement outside of court. Whether you collaborate with your ex or go through mediation with a professional, you can settle your disputes far from the public eye.

Especially if you worry that some of your marital behavior could affect your career prospects or reputation, you may want to look into alternative dispute resolution when you and your ex do not have a prenuptial agreement to guide your divorce. Learning state laws and your options for an upcoming divorce can help you reduce how long the end of your marriage affects the rest of your life.

Kentucky Divorce Law Attorneys Who Truly Care

Serving the residents of Kenton County, Campbell County and Boone County, the law office of Dietz Family Law is ready to help you with your divorce or family law issues.  At Dietz Family Law we take the time to understand your unique issues and will craft the strategy that is right for you.  Whether you live in Covington, Florence, Independence, or Alexandria, our Edgewood Law Office is conveniently located and ready to serve.